Sunday 31 August 2008


She looks at the lollipop.

It has the colour of juniper berries and the scent of a cleaning product.
The guy who sold it to her looked like a complete trickster; but nothing you wouldn't expect from someone who sells morphine on a stick. She had to listen patiently when he told her that he used to be in a SWAT team back when he lived in California, "where it never rains".

She'd always been fascinated by people like him, the ones who always have numerous unbelievable anecdotes to tell. Being handicaped by the muchness of her gullibility, she never believes anyone who has more than one extraordinary story in their luggage.

She removes the crispy wrapping in a hurry, quick, before she changes her mind. For some reason, she's wondering if she's not ovulating, gets concerned that it may affect the embryo that might get conceived tonight if she has sex.

Then she smiles at her own madness, reminding herself that tonight she's not going out, just watching a DVD of Bear in the Big Blue House whilst tripping on a morphine lollipop.

Your words: conscent, fracture, character, amplify, ecstasy, prayer, block, society, cassoulet, window.

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